Ember V1.0.0-pre.2: capitalization in handlebars templates

We are using Ember V1.0.0-pre.2 and our handlebars is as follows:

{{#each data.Product}}
  {{Details.uid}} - {{Details.Name}}

Our the ‘data’ bit is from this json:

    "Product": [
            "Details": {
                "uid": "1",
                "Name": "one"
            "Details": {
                "uid": "2",
                "Name": "two"
            "Details": {
                "uid": "3",
                "Name": "three"
            "Details": {
                "uid": "4",
                "Name": "four"
            "Details": {
                "uid": "5",
                "Name": "five"

This fails with the following warning:

WARNING: Watching an undefined global, Ember expects watched globals to be setup by the time the run loop is flushed, check for typos 

When I change ‘Details.whatever’ to ‘details.whatever’ the warning disappears.

Is this by design or can we get around it somehow. The data is returned from the server in a fixed format and we wouldn’t want to use another interim model if we can avoid it.

Are you using Ember Data? If so, you could consider adding a key mapping like so:

DS.RESTAdapter.map('App.Person', {
  lastName: { key: 'lastNameOfPerson' }

That way you could keep the capitalized “Details” in your JSON and map it to a lower cased “details” in your model.

More info here: http://emberjs.com/guides/models/the-rest-adapter/#toc_underscored-attribute-names

Hi Marcel,

We are not using Ember data. In the meantime we are using an interim model but it is causing extra work that really one should not need to do :frowning:

Regards, Eben

Hm, okay, in that case I’m afraid I don’t know how to fix this.

This doesn’t seem right, but I’m not using pre2. If you made a minimal JSFiddle that reproduced this, maybe someone will spot the problem or suggest a workaround…