How to communicate to child components

Ok Balint, this is concerned with the reusability of the component but I’m guessing that as ember goes down the path of rendering components directly from routes this will be less of a concern.

What If I wanted a component that is designed to mutate some data sent to it or designed to “manage” a dataset in the parent? It just sounds like view/model to me. Sometimes you just need the job done.

Also are you saying that parent components have to know the implementation details of everything under it. I think as long as you define clearly what that component is designed to do (and not get confused with calling it “rating” instead of “points score”). I can’t see a problem. There’s nothing wrong with saying, ok this component will take a list of objects and it’s visual interface will manage the data within it. If I insert another component, insert a different array into it… I have the same thing somewhere else, separated. I really can’t see the problem.

Just my opinion. Saying that you could go around bubbling up actions all over the place which will accomplish the same thing. So stick with that if it makes you feel better,