Should discourse have so much logic in their modal views?

I prefer to move as much logic as possible out of the view, and into to the view’s controller; thus making my views as dumb as possible.

To ensure my views stay dumb, I create a controller for each view. Instead of using {{view Ember.View}} I use view/controller pairs by utilizing route.render() or {{render}} or {{control}}. That way every view has a corresponding controller. (Unless I don’t need any logic such as Ember.TextField which only does value binding).

I also try to make my controllers as thin as possible by moving events into the route. Unfortunately if a view does not represent a higher state (and thus no route exists for it), and might be re-used in any route, I either use App.ApplicationRoute to handle its events, or handle its events in its controller.

I am interested to know if that is considered good practice.

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