TodoMVC-based Getting Started Guide

I find that I have to use latest ember-data to make this guide work without error in console

I find that I can’t get this guide to work at all. JSbin example suffers the same problems - Uncaught Errors. One day I’m hoping Ember will just work when you follow it’s conventions. Sadly, today is not the day.

I have successfully made the tods page just following the guide step by step . Then I added more than 80 todos by randomly type something in the input text box. Then I click the checkbox to toggle all todos between completed and incompleted. But the it takes 2 minutes to do the rendering. The performance is too bad! It stops my idea about applying emberjs into other projects. Can somebody tell me why the performance is so bad?

The version of js:

DEBUG: Ember.VERSION : 1.0.0-rc.6 DEBUG: Handlebars.VERSION : 1.0.0-rc.4 DEBUG: jQuery.VERSION : 1.9.1

My browser is chrome 25.0.1323.1. My laptop is LATITUDE E6330, with intel core i5, 2.6GHz, memory 4G.

That’s very surprising. I just tried it myself and it happens very quickly though there is a very slight delay which I would like to try to get rid of. Can you share a JSFiddle or JSBin of your code so that I can see if there is something unusual going on? Thanks!

I think the performance issue may be related to I did not used the min version of ember.js. I replaced ember.js with ember.min.js, and the rendering goes quick!

The non-minified version of Ember contains debug code. We need to advertise this better so people are aware of that. It seems like we may have added debug code in a hot path and maybe should re-evaluate that. Again, if you use the minified version in production (which is highly recommended) then this won’t be an issue.