Why i'm leaving ember

OK - I get it - everything loads into the browser - and navigation now works directly in the browser - AJAX requests can get more data as needed.

Nice - and to me EmberJS is more pure than Angular - I like the opinionated aspect and the insistence on URL’s linking to a unique resource.

I like ember-cli - nice way to be able to create routes quickly - nice to be able to easily fire up the app using nodejs so it can be viewed - and nice to be able to create the files to be distributed (in the /dist directory).

Also, the fact that EmberJS (like Angular) is purely browser side MVC - so we’re just deploying HTML and JS and this can be served up by any web server (Apache, Nginx, etc).

OK - niggles - the current release needs to be tidied up: npm install -g ember-cli@2.2.0-beta.6 ??? And this is in the docs for 2.3.0. Also, ember seems to be installed via bower - where ember-data is installed via npm - or the other way around - this needs to be clarified in the install doc.

Also - the issue of components replacing routes etc needs to be more clearly explained

So - overall - a bit heavy going - but seems to be going somewhere.


All our work these days to providing web pages MUST cover the fact that the pages need to be responsive - and let’s face it Bootstrap is the main game in that particular town. But - although ember-bootstrap seems to be OK - the drop-down menus do not work.

I’m wondering if this is a key problem with Browser side JS MVC frameworks in general. They need to control all click events to control the routing - and this stops the Bootstrap menus from working.

Anyway - I get the feeling that Bootstrap isn’t really supported - so for a current project I’m switching to a PHP based framework. At least that sends out pure HTML and then Bootstrap can do its thing in the browser.

It will be interesting to see any responses to this post. The worrying thing is that I’ve asked for recommendations for a responsive framework nearly a year ago and there wasn’t anything definite which came back: