EmberData pushPayload should fire ArrayProxy didChange for the belongsTo?

I have two models Scenario belongs to ScenGrp:

var Scenario = DS.Model.extend({ name: DS.attr(‘string’), scenGrp: DS.belongsTo(‘scenGrp’), });

var ScenGrp = DS.Model.extend({ name: DS.attr(‘string’), scenarios: DS.hasMany(‘scenario’, { inverse: ‘scenGrp’ }) });

I have a model of the ScenGrp i question and I did:

model.get(“scenarios”).addArrayObserver(this, { willChange: function(scenItems, offset, removeCount, addCount) {} didChange: function(scenItems, offset, removeCount, addCount) {} );

When I delete a scenario - it fires the willChange…however when I pushPayload( a scenario that belongs to the ScenGp) it does not fire.

Does pushPayload fire the belongsTo observers?
