I’ve got 2 models – tasks and actions – in a belongsTo
<–> hasMany
task: DS.belongsTo('task')
actions: DS.hasMany('actions')
In the route, I’m trying to use peekAll
and filter
to determine if I’ve already grabbed a list of actions for a specific task from the back-end. If I have, I used the cached data; if not, I hit the back-end:
model: ->
task = @modelFor(@get('routeName').split('.')[0..-2].join('.')).task
query = {root: 'actions', task_id: task.id}
actions = @store.peekAll('action').filter (action) ->
action.get('task.id') == task.id
if actions.get('length')
@store.query('action', query)
return {
actions: actions
columns: @get('columns')
@store.query('action', query).then (actions) =>
return Ember.RSVP.hash
actions: actions
columns: @get('columns')
The problem is in the filter
actions = @store.peekAll('action').filter (action) ->
action.get('task.id') == task.id
when I get('task.id')
Ember Data is making a network call and hitting the back-end. Is there a way to get the task.id
? It must be stored on the action but I can’t find a way to access it without hitting the wire.