How do you target ember-cli-mirage from a regular AJAX request using ember-concurrency?

Nailed it! Added this.get(“terms/:id”); back. Search works and can navigate to individual terms. Man, I owe you BIG TIME!! Thank you!!

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What’s the right way to {{#link-to}} here? The most basic implementation seems like it would be:

      {{#each searchRepo.lastSuccessful.value as |term|}}
        {{#link-to "term.term" primaryTerm}}{{term.term}}{{/link-to}}<br>

But that and everything else I try throws:

WARNING: This link-to is in an inactive loading state because at least one of its parameters presently has a null/undefined value, or the provided route name is invalid.

I’d think it would be something like:

  {{#each searchRepo.lastSuccessful.value as |term|}}
    {{#link-to "term”}}{{term.term}}{{/link-to}}<br>
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Got it!

{{#link-to "terms"}}{{term.term}}{{/link-to}}<br>
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