Passing header information to REST Get request using RESTAdapter

This just does not seem to be working. I’ve tried the examples that were given in the documentation to no avail. If I hard-code it without the function, they are inserted. If I try to make it dynamic - the code inside never executes (verified by logging to the console). Even if it isn’t dynamic like the examples, they don’t get added to the headers:

App.ApplicationAdapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend({
	headers: function(){
		return {
			Authorization: 'CuzISaySo',
			Project: 'MyAwesomeProject',

I have validated that my CORS header is set to accept them. Not sure what else to do; seems like a bug due to the delta in behavior between the documentation and my real-world experience.

Ember      : 1.7.0 
Ember Data : 1.0.0-beta.5 
Handlebars : 1.3.0
jQuery     : 2.0.3