Ember and TypeScript

My suspicion is that a promising avenue is to fork the TypeScript compiler so that it emits Ember-type class definitions, so that

export default class extends Ember.Component {
  public foo = "foo";
  constructor() { super(); this.foo = "bar"; }
  @computed('foo') repeated(foo) { return foo.repeat(2); }

would be transpiled into export default Ember.Component.extend({ foo: “foo”, init() { this._super(…arguments); this.set(‘foo’, “bar”); }, @computed(‘foo’) repeated(foo) {return foo.repeat(2); } }

where the @computed decorator does the work of transforming the function into a computed property. With lots and lots of details still to be worked out.

An example of this (transpiling TS into Closure) is at TypeScript/Google Closure Demo.