How does lineman compare to ember-cli?

I’m planning on building a web application with an EmberJS front-end that talks to a Flask-based RESTful API. I was originally excited to get going with lineman to help tackle the front-end, but recently I’ve been introduced to ember-cli which, while newer/less developed at the moment, seems to much more tightly integrated with EmberJS.

If I’m committed to EmberJS, how does lineman compare to ember-cli?

What did you choose for your project? I’m planning on building an API for ember-data with Flesk as well.

I tried Lineman at first and it’s pretty nice, but Ember is moving so quickly and ember-cli is much more tightly integrated, so I switched over to ember-cli early on and never looked back. Stefan is very attentive to issues. It’s recently sped up a lot too.

For a faux API (until you build one in Flask), I recommend using Trek’s Pretender library.

Thanks!. Trek’s Pretender seems really interesting.

I’m curious, are you using anything to coerce the Flask API to render responses with the right kind of sideloading that Ember-data needs ( spec)?

I want to craete an API in Flask but wonder how these libs compare to Rails’s ActiveModelSerializer which takes care of all that stuff.

For my projects, much of the data I’m pulling is from MongoDB. I manipulate it as dicts or list of dicts in Python, then return a jsonified response using Flask’s jsonify feature, e.g.

returned = {'people':peopleData}
return jsonify(returned)

or you could return multiple sets for sideloading:

return jsonify(filters=filters, sections=sections, options=options)

You can also check Twilio’s

erkarl has a very good example using it with ember-data