Access attributes of hasMany relationship

Hey guys,

I need help…again :smile:

My project have a model Conversation and a model Message. And I configure Conversation with hasMany Messages and Messages belongsTo Conversation.

That’s ok, but when I route to url http://localhost:4200/conversations I need to list all conversations and when user click in an specific conversation I load the messages belongs to this conversation.

But when I try to access conversation.messages.content this does not works.

{{#each model as |conversation| }}

I only can access the attributes of model Conversation but can’t access attributes of Messages. And when I print {{conversation.messages}} I receive this: subclass of Ember.ArrayProxy.

Anyone can help me understand where I’m be so stupid? :laughing: I search all the documentation and can’t understand.

conversation.messages is an array, since each conversation has many messages. So it doesn’t make sense to access the name of a list of messages. If you want to get the name of each message, you’ll need an inner loop to iterate through the messages.

{{#each model as |conversation|}}
  {{#each conversation.messages as |message|}}

This make sense. You are right it! I forgot it. But this doesn’t work, I’m have a fake API with ember-cli-mirage with Adapter and Serializer in JSONAPI. In my routes/conversations/index.js I have this:


And I also try this:

let conversation ='conversation');

conversation.get('messages').then((messages) => { return conversation });

But can’t access attributes of messages :frowning: I’m loosing my mind with this :laughing:

OK, I found the error.

Like I say, I’m using JSONAPI. So in my serializers/application.js I defined this:

import DS from 'ember-data';

import Ember from 'ember';

export default DS.JSONAPISerializer.extend({
  keyForAttribute: function(attr) {
    return Ember.String.underscore(attr);
  keyForRelationship(key, relationship) {
    if (relationship === 'belongsTo') {
      return `${key}_id`;

So I thought it was working. But not. I change for this:

import DS from 'ember-data';
import JSONAPISerializer from 'ember-data/serializers/json-api';
import Ember from 'ember';

export default JSONAPISerializer.extend({
  keyForAttribute: function(attr) {
    return Ember.String.underscore(attr);
  keyForRelationship(key, relationship) {
    if (relationship === 'belongsTo') {
      return `${key}_id`;
 attrs: {
  messages: { serialize: true }

And now this works. Now I can access the model Messages :slight_smile: :blush: