I want to display a modal dialog in my application, which allows the user to manipulate elements of a model. I do not want to use a route for this, as I don’t want to reflect the state if the modal is being displayed within the url.
for instance, if I had a user model, which contains an array of colours:
'name': 'john',
'colors': [{name: 'red', count: 1}, {name: 'blue', count: 2}]
In the modal I would like to render the list of colours. Each color within a span. I would like to make the color clickable, and when a color is select I would like to show the details below this list. I am having trouble finding a way to add a class to the span that has been selected.
{{#each colours as |colour|}}
<span class="{{if <<How do I find out if this colour is the selected?>> 'selected'}}" {{action "selectColour" colour}}>
So, it would be easy to set the selected Colour within the component. However, I can’t find a way to add a class to the one selected span. I can’t use a computed property to do so, as I can not pass the currently evaluated instance within the each loop to that function. How would one solve something like this in Ember?