I just tried to upgrade a very big project from Ember 1.13 to Ember 2.0.3 (yeah just now ) To my horror I found out that the behavior of Ember.computed.map for example changed, and is now recalculating for every change to the observed array, and also returns a new array!
Later I found out the release note for that:
ReduceComputed and ArrayComputed have been made obsolete by the Glimmer rendering engine introduced in Ember 1.13. These APIs allowed array operations to be performed without creating new arrays. Glimmer’s value diffing makes this unnecessary. Computed property macros that operate on arrays are still present, but they are simply not backed by
In out application we relied heavily on computed.map’s not recalculating on every change. This resulted in a major performance hit for us, as sometimes the ‘map’ function is pretty heavy.
Is there a solution? Maybe a legacy addon for adding back this functionality?