I need some advice on how to best handle a specific situation with ember.
I am building some kind of goodreads clone. In my backend, there are books
, there are users
and there are notes
that connect the users to the books (a user has many books through the notes).
When a logged in user visits a page like /books/1, he should see a page with information about the book and a button to add it to his own library.
When a logged in user visits the same page, and he has the book in the library, he should not only see the book information, but a button to remove a book from the library and other fields, eg a textarea to add comments. (I suppose this means that a BookController and a NoteController would be activated simultaneously)
What is the best way to do this in Ember? What would the router for /books/:book_id do? How can I instantiate the correct controllers depending on whether the user is signed in, and whether he has the book in the library?
Thank you
What I tried
The code below shows my current attempt. I dislike it because of the need to branch every time I do something on the page, depending on whether it is a note or a book. I feel like there should be a much better way to do this…
# routes
App.Router.map ()->
@resource('books', ->
@resource('book', { path: ':book_id' } )
App.BookRoute = Em.Route.extend
model: (params) ->
book = @store.find('book', params.book_id)
if @auth.get('signedIn') and book.get('inLibrary')
return @store.filter('note', { book_id: params.book_id, inLibrary: true }, (note) ->
note.get('book_id') == params.book_id and note.get('inLibrary')
return book
# controller
App.BookController = Ember.ObjectController.extend
note: Em.computed( ->
if @auth.get('signedIn') && @get('inLibrary')
note = @store.find('note', { book_id: @get('content.id'), inLibrary: true })
signedInAndBookInLibrary: Em.computed( ->
if @auth.get('signedIn') && @get('inLibrary')
# template
{{#if signedInAndBookInLibrary}}
{{render 'book/_note' note}}
{{render 'book/_book' this}}