Bootstrap and collapse navbar

Hello, I have installed the ember-bootstrap add-on ( version 3 ) Bootsrap is working, but when I use the class=“collapse navbar-collapse” , I get the button to open the menu on smartphone but when I click on it nothing append!! Has somebody the same problem? best regards Vincent

Ember Bootstrap is meant to do more than just include the CSS and JS for Bootstrap. In fact in the docs it says:

Provides a collection of native Ember components that mimic the original Bootstrap plugins and components in an ember friendly way, replacing the need for bootstrap.js

So instead of using the bootstrap classes on raw divs I think you’ll have a much better experience if you use the contextual components that ember-bootstrap provides. It can take a little getting used to but your code will be more ember-y (and of course will actually work). The navbar component docs are here.

Thank you, Your are right now I undertand that’s it’s better to use {{#navbar}} than

but I always get trouble to collapde my menu!

Finaly it work! I restart from scrtach…

Awesome! Yeah sometimes that’s the easiest way. Good luck!