Bootstrap/helper input

hello, I’ve a form for the login with input helpers that permit to me to get password and username of the user. Is there a way to format an “input helper” with bootstrap? I would like a bootstrap/helper like this:

<input type=“text” class=“form-control” id=“Origin” placeholder=“password” {{value=password}}>

Is it possible? How can I do? Thanks

hello, I’ve a form for the login with input helpers that permit to me to get pwd and username of the user. Is there a way to format an “input helper” with bootstrap? I would like a bootstrap/helper like this:

<input type="text" class="form-control" id="Origin" placeholder="password" {{value=password}}>

Is it possible? How can I do? Thanks

Hi. There is an input helper in Ember. It mimicks the normal HTML input field.

In your template it looks like this:

{{input type="password" value=myPassword class="anyclassname" id="anyid"}}

Here’s a quick demo: And the link to the guides:

Thanks ahx, today I have found this other solution that works very well

{{view Ember.TextField id='username' valueBinding='username' type="text"  placeholder='Enter login' class='form-control'}}

the link to the guides: