Cannot generate URL with dynamic segments using urlFor method

Hello, people

Point me what’s wrong with my code,

I can able to generate URL using urlFor() when I’m in the route “/1/1/orders”. but I’m unable to generate a URL in the application route.

Kindly advise me.

here is the reference ember-twiddle

When generating a URL for a nested route, the models (or parameters) are passed in separately to both urlFor and the link-to component. They are ordered from outside to inside

So if you had the nested route B inside A, you’d pass the params for route A, then for route B, like so:

// router.js {
  this.route("a", { path: '/:a_param' }, function(){
      this.route("b", { path: '/:b_param' });

routerService.urlFor('a.b', paramForA, paramForB);

In your case there are multi params for each route which you can either pass in one after the other:

var routeName = "scope.purchase.invoice";
var dynamicSegments = [1, 2, 3, 20, 1];
var url = this.router.urlFor(routeName, ...dynamicSegments);

Or you can group them in an object for each route:

var routeName = "scope.purchase.invoice";
var dynamicSegments = [{ scopeId: 1, scopeData: 2}, {invoiceId: 3, pageSize: 20, pageIndex: 1 }];
var url = this.router.urlFor(routeName, ...dynamicSegments);

Thanks for your info,

Much appreciated, if you could explain this scenario, I can able to make URL with a single object if I was in the route “/1/1/orders”.

That’s exactly right:

var routeName = "scope.orders";
var dynamicSegments = { scopeId: 1, scopeData: 2};
var url = this.router.urlFor(routeName, dynamicSegments);

Would generate the URL /1/2/orders

Yes, you are right,

but my case is different, I would like to make a URL (/1/1/purchase/2/1/2) dynamically on-demand when I was in application route (home route) with single objects (includes all dynamic segments).

I can able to produce the URL (/1/1/purchase/2/1/2) using a single (includes all dynamic segments) object when I was in route “/1/1/orders”.

I hope you understand my scenario.

By ‘single object’ I’m guessing you have an EmberData record or similar model. In that case you’ll need to construct the parameters for generating the route from the model, I don’t think you can use it directly

var routeName = "scope.purchase.invoice";
var orderParams = {
  scopeId: model.scopeId,
  scopeData: model.scopeData
var invoiceParams = {
  invoiceId: model.invoiceId,
  pageSize: 20,
  pageIndex: 1
var url = this.router.urlFor(routeName, orderParams, invoiceParams);

(If this isn’t what you’re after then an example of what you mean when you say ‘single object’ would help me understand what you’re stuck on)

Thanks for your explanation,

let consider this scenario,

if you’re in-home route (which means ‘/’). now when I hit ‘Make Url’ button it causes an error (You must provide param ‘scopeId’ to generate)

  var routeName = "scope.purchase.invoice";
  var dynamicSegments = { scopeId: 1, scopeData: 2, invoiceId: 3, pageSize: 20, pageIndex: 1 };
  var url = this.router.urlFor(routeName, dynamicSegments);

Please now navigate to route /1/1/orders , then hit the ‘Make Url’ button it will generate URL without any issues.

I can make a URL if I use your suggested way.

var routeName = "scope.purchase.invoice";
var orderParams = {
  scopeId: model.scopeId,
  scopeData: model.scopeData
var invoiceParams = {
  invoiceId: model.invoiceId,
  pageSize: 20,
  pageIndex: 1
var url = this.router.urlFor(routeName, orderParams, invoiceParams);