I’m trying to port the bloggr client application’s model (which is a simple javascript object), to
emberjs’s fixtures.
( https://github.com/tildeio/bloggr-client
Here is the bloggr-client pasted onto jsbin (WORKING).
And here is my attempt also on jsbin (NOT WORKING).
What I do not get, why none of my links are working? (not even the about page, which is static).
All I did, is only changing the “posts” variable (which is a simple array), to DS.Model.extend. And added the values of the posts variable as FIXTURE:
App.Post.FIXTURES = [{
Is this line correct?:
return this.store.find(‘post’, params.post_id);
I would really appreciate if someone could shed a bit of light on this small problem here…
Best, Laszlo