I get a null value. But if I do something like this:
I see the proper value, is there a new naming convention for model attributes and JSON api? I want to highlight that the previous code was working before I updated to Ember.js 1 and Ember Data 1.0.0-beta.1
Kinda. Before the beta, the documentation was saying that you should use camel case, but if you called it using underscore, it worked too. But now they just handle camel case.
@wycats added some stuff to TRANSITION.md to explain this case, sorta. Basically, you need to subclass the RESTSerializer and modify it to use the old conventions:
ActiveModelSerializer = DS.RESTSerializer.extend
# Camelize keys and accept _id and _ids for associations.
normalize: (type, property, hash) ->
normalized = {}
for own prop, value of hash
if prop.substr(-3) is '_id' # belongsTo relationships
normalizedKey = prop.slice(0, -3)
else if prop.substr(-4) is '_ids' # hasMany relationship
normalizedKey = Ember.String.pluralize(prop.slice(0, -4))
else # regular attribute
normalizedKey = prop
normalizedKey = Ember.String.camelize(normalizedKey)
normalized[normalizedKey] = value
@_super(type, property, normalized)
# Underscore keys and use _id and _ids for associations.
serialize: (record, options) ->
json = {}
record.eachAttribute (name) ->
json[name.underscore()] = record.get(name)
record.eachRelationship (name, relationship) ->
if relationship.kind is 'hasMany'
key = name.singularize().underscore() + '_ids'
json[key] = record.get(name).mapBy('id')
key = name.underscore() + '_id'
json[key] = record.get(name + '.id')
json.id = record.get('id') if options?.includeId
App = Em.Application.create({ ApplicationSerializer: ActiveModelSerializer })
You also need to do something similar with the RESTAdapter to ensure that your API is called using underscore_names consistently:
@wycats@tomdale What are we expecting the default to be here? If we want the default to be sans _id(s) then maybe we should make that the default in active_model_serializers as well, assuming that’s still the preferred way to produce JSON for ember via Ruby/Rails. On a side note, it seems like development on AMS has stagnated waiting for spastorino to finish refactoring on his fork.
Instead of creating my own “ActiveModelSerializer”, I took @nragaz code and did the following:
App.ApplicationSerializer = DS.RESTSerializer.extend({ /* etc. */ });
Instead of creating my own ActiveModelAdapter, I merely reopened the DS.RESTAdapter.
The combination of the two steps got me back up and running. Whether or not this is best practice I have to defer to the more experienced on this forum.
@yyy Thanks for pointing that out! For my backend I just needed to extend DS.ActiveModelSerializer instead of DS.RESTSerializer - no need to manually configure camelization, etc.