I’ve read a couple of discussions related to modularizing your ember application into ember addons but I’m still having trouble figuring the correct way to import.
(Side note: Am I correct in stating that using the pods structure in addons still has some issues that are being worked on?)
I have an addon containing an application adapter that is imported to the main application and automatically merges. (myadapteraddon/app/adapters/application)
Another addon exports a model and model-adapter. That model needs its own adapter to use pathForType. The model addon depends on the adapter addon and the adapter it exports should extend the imported application adapter .
In my model adapter file, how do I correctly import the application adapter from the other addon?
I’ve tried ‘import ApplicationAdapter from /mymodeladdon/adapters/application’ ‘import ApplicationAdapter from /myadapteraddon/adapters/application’
Neither work. Help!