I’m pretty sure that in old ember (low 2.x), doing something like
was always “stronger” than doing:
i.e with the @each dependency whenever some object was added to the array OR the array itself changed - the property would trigger its getter.
After upgrading, I noticed that defining a arr.@each.x dependency won’t trigger a property change when the array itself changes.
Even worse, adding the two dependencies together doesn’t work!!!
Not working even after adding back 'arr' dependency - still not working
Did anyone else noticed that?
what would be the solution if I want a recalculation of the property if either the array itself changes OR something inside it?
BTW, I think this changed in Ember 2.7… but I see nothing in the release notes…
I believe the .property syntax is either deprecated or will be deprecated. You may want to try using foo: computed('arr.@each.x, function(){}) etc. I could be wrong, but I think I read that somewhere.
Edit: Doh, sorry, just saw your comment where you realized the problem was objects.
If you pop open dev tools on your Example number 2 I think you’ll see a steady stream of exceptions. It seems that Ember is really unhappy trying to bind arr.@each.x to a number.
Change your [i++] to [Ember.Object.create({x:i++})];
and your counter function to return this.get(‘arr.firstObject.x’);
And it works.
Change it further to this:
And you’ll see what @each.x is really meant for.
Note that if you want to bind to an array and only care about whether it grows, shrinks, or changes, then you want to use ‘arr.’
Right now Ember extends the function prototype itself to allow things like {}.property(‘x’). If you’re working in an environment where extending this prototype is not allowed, then you need to use Ember.computed(‘x’, function()) and turn off prototype extension:
Although in your original question you say something about it changing in 2.7 I think it’s still possible (but as it’s deprecated it shouldn’t be used any more). I think it’s more likely that the .property() syntax isn’t working for you any more. You should consider upgrading to the new computed property syntax: