Disable button depending on how many checkbox are checked

Guys, i’m using the follow code to block edit and delete button, depending on how many checkbox are checked in the table list:

  allowEdit: Ember.computed('model.@each.checked', function() {
    let count = 0;
    let result;

    this.get('model').forEach(item => {
      item.get('checked') ? count += 1 : count = count;

    count === 1 ? result = true : result = false;
    return result;

  allowDelete: Ember.computed('model.@each.checked', function() {
    let count = 0;
    let result;

    this.get('model').forEach(item => {
      item.get('checked') ? count += 1 : count = count;

    count >= 1 ? result = true : result = false;
    return result;

And in my template i have:

  {{#link-to "events.edit"}}
    <li class="controller__item {{if allowEdit "" "controller__item--disabled"}}">
      <i class="icon icon__pencil icon__2x"></i>
      <span class="controller__legend">Editar</span>
  <li class="controller__item {{if allowDelete "" "controller__item--disabled"}}" {{action "delete"}}>
    <i class="icon icon__trash icon__2x"></i>
    <span class="controller__legend">Deletar</span>

As you can see, i’m doing pretty much the same thing in the two computed properties. I would like to replace the two for one, but i don’t know exactly how i could do that.

edit button will be free if just one checkbox are checked delete button will be free if one or more checkbox are checked.


Factor out common behavior:

checkedCount: Ember.computed('model.@each.checked'), function () {
    let count = 0;
    get(this, 'model').forEach(function (item) {
        if (get(item, 'checked')) { count += 1; }
    return count;
allowEdit: Ember.computed.equal('checkedCount', 1),
allowDelete: Ember.computed.gte('checkedCount', 1)

Or, even simpler:

checkedModels: Ember.computed.filterBy('models', 'checked'),
allowEdit: Ember.computed.equal('checkedModels.length', 1),
allowDelete: Ember.computed.gte('checkedModels.length', 1)

First property will be an array of all checked models. Can come in handy in other parts of your code as well.

Get it!

I didn’t know that i can do that!!! Thank you spectras!