I love that components give you methods that run before and after it’s been inserted into the DOM. However, is there not a way to access the document fragment that has been built prior to it’s insertion?
Wouldn’t that be a far better way of, for example, attaching third party jQuery plugins to a DOM element. Rather than querying for the element post-insertion?
export default Ember.Component.extend({
willRender() {
this being a reference to the document fragment in memory, which will later be the same DOM element that is available to didInsertElement
I’m really curious about this as well. In fact, coming to Ember from Angular (albeit a long time ago), that was my original intuition about how the Component Lifecycle might have worked before I truly began digging into each piece.
To add another use case alongside @davearel’s, it seems like programmatically setting style properties on the element’s HTMLElement
interface (if one needed to do so, that is) could be optimized if it were done pre-insertion:
export default Ember.Component.extend({
willRender() {
if (this.expandFromTopRightCorner) {
this.element.style.transformOrigin = 'right top';
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