Looking at the documentation on transforms and assuming there is a copy error: Transform - 4.6 - Ember API Documentation The “example” and “usage” blocks don’t match:
// Converts centigrade in the JSON to fahrenheit in the app
App.TemperatureTransform = DS.Transform.extend({
deserialize: function(serialized) {
return (serialized * 1.8) + 32;
serialize: function(deserialized) {
return (deserialized - 32) / 1.8;
var attr = DS.attr;
App.Requirement = DS.Model.extend({
name: attr('string'),
optionsArray: attr('raw')
Is the usage block supposed to be demonstrating attr(‘temperature-transform’)?
The old documentation was apparently javascript - How to represent arrays within ember-data models? - Stack Overflow. Perhaps the new usage block is not there.