Dynamically changing between list and grid view

I have two buttons to switch between a list and a grid view, showing users. Right now, the switch happens by the use of jQuery, adding classes and floats to existing divs. As this isn’t a really clean solution, I’m wondering if it’s possible to do this in some sort of “Ember way” by having two different erb partials, both showing the same content but in a different way, which can be exchanged against each other by the press of a button.

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The forthcoming Query Param’s is your best option. That way you can use link-to’s for the buttions that will also give you active state class.

App.WhateverController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
    queryParams: ['layout'],
    layout: 'list', // default
    viewList: Ember.computed.equal('layout', 'list'),
    viewGrid: Ember.computed.equal('layout', 'grid')

Template Option A

{{link-to 'List View' (layout='list')}}
{{link-to 'Grid View' (layout='grid')}}

{{#if viewList}}
    {{partial 'whatever.list'}}
    {{!-- or just your list code.. --}}

{{#if viewGrid}}
    {{partial 'whatever.grid'}}
    {{!-- or just your grid code.. --}}

Template Option B: Or just look for one type and provide default, in case the user types ?layout=dlkfa

{{link-to 'List View' (layout='list')}}
{{link-to 'Grid View' (layout='grid')}}

{{#if viewGrid}}
    {{partial 'whatever.grid'}}
    {{!-- or just your grid code.. --}}
    {{partial 'whatever.list'}}
    {{!-- or just your list code.. --}}

An even simpler option is to just use the layout property in the {{partial}} helper, as shown in the QP example. However, that doesn’t provide a “default view” in case the user types in something weird.

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Thank you so much for your answer and the detailed example.

Great answer. I’m new to Ember and I’m curious, how would you do this now given that Controllers are deprecated?

I’d suggest using components for this now:

{{if gridView}}
    {{my-component/grid data=data}}
    {{my-component/list data=data}}

Or even better:

{{component (if gridView "my-component/grid" "my-component/list") data=data}}

And in you my-component.js you can have the following:

export default Ember.Component.extend({
    gridView: false // default,

    actions: {
        toggleView() {
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Thanks! Looks much cleaner.