Ember.Data BasicAdapter sync

Okay so Stabilizing Ember Data seems simple enough but I couldn’t figure it out.

App.Store = DS.Store.extend
  revision: 12
  adapter : 'DS.BasicAdapter'

App.Entry.sync =
  findAll : ->
    console.log 'findAll'

getting error:

Uncaught Error: assertion failed: You tried to load all records but your adapter does not implement findAll

It’s because the BasicAdapter (which is the object that calls your sync object) doesn’t implement the findAll method.

See: https://github.com/emberjs/data/blob/master/packages/ember-data/lib/adapters/basic_adapter.js#L96

hey charles, thanks for reply.

How would one do a findAll then? I’m simply doing


I ran into the same problem, I think it’s not possible at the moment with the BasicAdapter since find calls DS.ObjectLoader which expects a single object, not a collection like find() would return.