Hi, I use ember cli with ember 2.0. I have a model called node declared as follows:
import DS from 'ember-data';
export default DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr('string'),
alias: DS.attr('string'),
childs_count: DS.attr('number'),
parent: DS.attr('number'),
childs: DS.hasMany('node')
My nodes list from back-end is like this:
{ "nodes": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Dashboard",
"alias": "dashboard",
"childs_count": 3,
"childs": [5, 6, 7],
"parent": 0
"id": 2,
"name": "Forms",
"alias": "forms",
"childs_count": 0,
"childs": [],
"parent": 0
"id": 3,
"name": "Tables",
"alias": "tables",
"childs_count": 0,
"childs": [],
"parent": 0
"id": 4,
"name": "Statistics",
"alias": "statistics",
"childs_count": 1,
"childs": [8],
"parent": 0
"id": 5,
"name": "Data Tables",
"alias": "data_tables",
"childs_count": 0,
"childs": [],
"parent": 1
"id": 6,
"name": "Plain Tables",
"alias": "plain_tables" ,
"childs_count": 0,
"childs": [],
"parent": 1
"id": 7,
"name": "Media Tables",
"alias": "media_tables"
"childs_count": 0,
"childs": [],
"parent": 1
"id": 8,
"name": "Last Option",
"alias": "last_option",
"childs_count": 0,
"childs": [],
"parent": 4
"id": 9,
"name": "Level 3 Option",
"alias": "level_3_option"
"childs_count": 0,
"childs": [],
"parent": 5
I’ve tried to do something recursive in template using components. Here is the menu-nodes component template:
<ul class="nodes" >
{{#each nodes as |node|}}
<li class="node-menu-option project-node-{{node.alias}}">
{{node-menu-option node=node}}
and here is the node-menu-option template:
{{#link-to 'node' node.alias class="node-menu-option-link"}}
{{#if node.warnings_count}}
<span class="label label-warning">{{node.warnings_count}}</span>
{{#if node.infos_count}}
<span class="label label-info">{{node.infos_count}}</span>
{{! show childs nodes }}
{{#if node.childs_count}}
{{nodes-menu nodes=node.childs}}
and in application template I have this:
<aside class="sidebar-menu">
{{nodes-menu nodes=model.nodes}}
My result on page is something like this:
Dashboard 10 3
Forms 0
Tables 3 0
Statistics 1
Data Tables 0
Plain Tables 0
Media Tables 0
Last Option 0
Level 3 Option 0
Normally, “Data Tables”, “Plain Tables” and “Media Tables” should be after “Dashboard”. I hope I didn’t put to much info. I tried to simplify my model and results.
I believe it is worth mentioning that I’ve try to use parent: belognsTo(‘node’) ; I’ve tried adding inverse, but the results were not correct. For instance with inverse, I’ve got:
Dashboard 10 3
Data Tables 0
Plain Tables 0
Media Tables 0
Forms 0
Tables 3 0
Statistics 1
Data Tables 0
Plain Tables 0
Media Tables 0
Last Option 0
Level 3 Option 0