Ember in Java projects

Has any body used ember inside java projects. I have read the introduction and doesn’t seem to have anything ruby specific. But I saw a couple for ruby projects on Ember GitHub Page. Am I going to miss out on some ember features with java ?

You can use Ember.js with whatever back-end you’d like. See also this discussion: Are developers creating Ember apps outside the context of Rails?

Even though the RESTAdapter was designed to follow the Rails REST convention (I hope I don’t get banished for saying this), you can use it with any backend you’d like, as long as it obeys the convention.

You could also implement your own Adapter if your API is radically different, or do what Discourse does and do the AJAX your own way. Ember is actually quite flexible.

Hi venkat,

You can perfectly use Ember.js inside an Java project. For example in my project we use Ember.js in front and Grail+Groovy (overhead of java) in back without any problem. For information you have a pre-compilers of ember template in wro4j project in order to pre-compille your emberjs template : https://code.google.com/p/wro4j/wiki/AvailableProcessors

While Ember does borrow some conventions from Rails and aims to play nice with it by default, it’s certainly not limited to it. As others have pointed out, our goal is for Ember to work with whatever backend you can throw at it. Though if your backend is really crazy you may have a bit more integration work :slight_smile:

If you have more specific questions about integration, StackOverflow is a great place to ask.

Thanks for the response everyone. I am certainly in the “if your backend is really crazy you may have a bit more integration work” boat. But looks like my team is interested in employing an MVC framework. I certainly cannot use ember-data because of its tight integration with Rails style CRUD operations via REST Endpoints.

I don’t mind that Ember plays nice with Rails Conventions. Atleast you stick to some accepted conventions which is not true with many js frameworks out there. It provides certain amount of predictability. Rails in my opinion,changes overnight when one expects it the least. If Ember adheres to those changes too closely, it will be hard for the rest of us to justify the refactor that ensues.

Sidenote : Is this forum just for developer / plugin developer discussion ?

[quote=“venkat, post:6, topic:445”] I certainly cannot use ember-data because of its tight integration with Rails style CRUD operations via REST Endpoints.[/quote]

If you’re not using ember-data then the integration issues should be fairly non-existent. The only place where we even need to interact with the server in Ember does is in ember-data.

No, this forum is intended for topics of discussion that are more than just bug reports or SO style questions. Ideally they’re topics that necessitate further back-and-forth and not just a quick, set answer.

In your case, I think this is a fairly straight-forward question that would be well served by StackOverflow. There’s not a lot of discussion necessary here. I hope that makes sense.

Definitely worth a look https://github.com/joachimhs/Hyrrokkin