Thanks for your responses!
Unfortunately I don’t quite understand it. So, if one uses the native-input, the input
-value should marked as @tracked
Please consider following use-case and please let me know your thoughts 
export default class EditUserRoute extends Route {
model() {
// i.e. GraphQL Request, which returns a POJO
return {
firstName: 'Michael',
lastName: 'Knight',
address: {
street: 'Schoolstreet 22',
town: 'New York'
<UserEdit @user={{this.model}} />
export default class UserEditComponent extends Component {
@tracked user = null; // I think this tracked is for nothing, isn't it?
constructor() {
this.user = this.args.user;
@action updateFirstName({ target }) {
this.user.firstName = target.value; // I know, that {{user.firstName}} is not rerendered if this action is triggered. I just want to know, what's your recommended solution to this issue. Please see below.
{{!-- ... --}}
<input placeholder="Firstname" type="text" value={{this.user.firstName}} {{on "input" this.updateFirstName}}>
{{!-- ... --}}
<input placeholder="Street" type="text" value={{this.user.address.street}} {{on "input" this.updateStreet}}>
{{!-- ... --}}
- Convert the POJO from the model hook into a native Class.
class Address {
@tracked street;
@tracked town;
constructor({ street, town }) {
this.street = street; = town;
class User {
@tracked firstName;
@tracked lastName;
constructor({ firstName, lastName, address }) {
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;
this.address = new Address(address);
export default class EditUserRoute extends Route {
model() {
// i.e. GraphQL Request, which returns a POJO
return new User({
firstName: 'Michael',
lastName: 'Knight',
address: {
street: 'Schoolstreet 22',
town: 'New York'
- Keep the POJO and use
{ set } from '@ember/object'
@action updateFirstName({ target }) {
set(this.user, 'firstName', target.value);
For me 1. seems a bit costly. But what is better for the long run?