Ember.Route.transitionTo VS Ember.Controller.transitionToRoute (naming concern)

Why does the same functionality have different naming depending on what component you are?

I have this code in my Controller:


If I want to implement same behaviour in a Route I have to write this instead:


IMHO: Looks like… uhmm… not elegant :confused:

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Can you clarify what you mean? Maybe giving an example of what you have in mind might help.

Its common sense.

Ember.Route.transitionTo – Transtioning from one route to another (Its a route so no need for the suffix “Route”)

Ember.Controller.transitionToRoute – You in a controller and you are changing Routes hence the suffix “Route”


@mtangoo In my opinion, I don’t see it should be necessary to think where I am when I am thinking in where I want to go, specially when both method implementations require the same input and the final result is the same.


@vikram7 example added to the question

I think you’re right — it’s a little weird. That being said, there is an RFC for a new Router Service that would replace both of those with a service that has it’s own hooks in whatever Ember Object you inject it into. So you’d do:


It’s got a bunch of other nice little ideas too. Not sure whether it’s being actively developed or when we should expect something.

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@Spencer_Price that has more sense, not only because the naming thing is more coherent but because there is a Module who is charge of the transition this.get('router') and not the Component where your code is: this .

It is taking me a lot of effort to understand the Ember philosophy, a very few things are intuitive for me… yet :slight_smile:

You’re right that naming isn’t that intuitive but then we have to live with that until something changes

for future reference you will need to inject it into your controller with

router: service('-routing'),