Ember Upgraded to 3.15.2, no array in ember data model not tracked


So I am rewriting some code and we have errors for didLoad() and addObserver in esLint. We are resolving these but I have no idea how we can track if the array for targets has changed? I basically just need to set the hasDirtyAttributes to true if the array has changed.

Here is what I am working with:

import Model, { attr, hasMany } from "@ember-data/model";
import { computed } from "@ember/object";
import Validator from "frontend/mixins/model-validator";
import AgariConstants from "frontend/constants";

export default class AddressGroup extends Model.extend(Validator) {
  @attr("string") name;
  @attr("date") created_at;
  @attr("date") updated_at;
  @attr("boolean", { defaultValue: true }) enable_scoring;
  @attr("array", { defaultValue: () => [] }) targets;
  @attr("array", { defaultValue: () => [] }) exceptions;
  @attr("array", { defaultValue: () => [] }) invalid_targets;
  @attr("string") link_id;
  @attr("string", {
    defaultValue: AgariConstants.ADDRESS_GROUP.AD_LINKAGE.NATIVE
  @attr("string") azure_ad_name;
  @attr("date") last_ad_sync;
  @attr("string") type;
  @hasMany("MessageAlert", { defaultValue: false }) message_alerts;

  get isPartner() {
    return this.type === "PartnerAddressGroup";

  validations = {
    name: {
      presence: true
    targets: {
      length: {
        minimum: 1,
        if(key, value, model) {
          return !model.get("isPartner");
    link_id: {
      custom(key, value, model) {
        return model.get("link_status") === "linked" ? !!value : true;
    azure_ad_name: {
      custom(key, value, model) {
        return ["linked", "delinked", "orphaned"].includes(
          ? !!value
          : true;

  pushErrors() {}

So how would I track the targets array to change the hasDirtyAttributes?