I have an old Rails form that I want to translate into Ember Data:
<input type="file" name="myfile" />
<input type="submit" />
What gets stored in the database needs to match what I currently do. Users can upload files of all types, not just binary. I choose a particular image, and in the database, the file data begins with this:
[1] pry(#<AttachmentsController>)> @attachment.data => "\xC3\xBF\xC3\x98\xC3\xBF\xC3\xA2\x02\x1CICC_PROFILE\x00
I want to convert the form to upload using javascript and Ember.JS Data, not form submission. The javsacript which uploads my data is this:
var attachment = this.store.createRecord('attachment');
attachment.set('data', data);
The problem is data. When it gets to the server, it’s different than how it was for the form. I’ve tried reading the data in multiple ways:
readAsBinaryString produced a different string:
// Note: readAsBinaryString is DEPRECATED
[1] pry(#<AttachmentsController>)> @attachment.data => "\xC3\xBF\xC3\x98\xC3\xBF\xC3\xA2\x02\x1CICC_PROFILE\x00
Read as text would occassionally crash when uploading a binary file
// crashes
readAsDataURL produced results that didn’t match what I need to store in my database
[1] pry(#<AttachmentsController>)> @attachment.data => "
readAsArrayBuffer looks promising, but I’m not sure what I should do with the arrayBuffer to send
Any help is appreciated!
Note: This is a crosspost of what’s on StackOverflow. I received no responses there after 8 days. ember.js - FileReader upload File through Ember Data - Stack Overflow