Im using Ember v1.0.0,Ember-Data v1.0.0-beta.3 and building using Ember-tools.
Inside my order_controller, I’ve got an action called: delivered. Once triggered, I want to make some changes to the current object (no problems here) – but I also want to query an object from this same model and make some changes to it.
Heres my ObjectController:
var OrderController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
actions: {
edit: function(){
delivered: function(){
// orders are sorted by "sequence" attr.
var current_sequence = this.get('sequence');
// find the next order in pipeline
var next_sequence = current_sequence+=1;
// HERE is the challenge!
var next_order = App.Order.find({sequence: next_sequence});
this.set('up_next', false);
next_order.set('up_next', true);
All calls to find return a promise, so you should add a then call to work with the result, when it is resolved:
this.get('store').find('order', { sequence: next_sequence }).then(function(order) {
// Do something with the result
}, function(error) {
// Handle the error
I’ll add a couple gotcha’s I faced, in case someone else experiencing the same issue is reading this:
The results come as an array, even though I know there is only one result, to retrieve it i do:
this.get(‘store’).find(‘order’, { sequence: next_sequence }).then(function(order) {
// to get the first object
var next_order = order.get(“firstObject”);
// then I can directly manipulate it like so:
next_order.set("up_next", true);
The rest of my delivered action runs before the function inside the .then() block does so if I need to do anything with info retrieved from this query, it better be inside the then() block!
I now had to run the this.transitionToRoute() inside .then(), the scope of this is no longer accurate. To solve it i simply declared
//outside of the .then() block
var that = this
and then:
//from inside the .then() block
that.transitionToRoute("order", next_id);
I would use orders as the name of the variable with the response data: order.get("firstObject") is weird to read. Expanding on that, if sequence numbers serve as ids in your app, I think there is a way to set that up as primary key with ember-data. That would make more clearer.
I would probably put everything inside the resolved branch (so inside the then(function(order) { ... }), otherwise some changes that the code outside it cause might happen before what’s inside and that’s probably not what you want.