Focusout event not triggered in acceptance test

I am trying to write an acceptance test that covers a component which handles the focus-out event on an input element. But nothing I do seems to trigger the event and so my subsequent action never gets sent.

In the test I have tried the following:

field = find('.profile-field').eq(0);
fillIn(field.find('input'), 'a new response');
keyEvent(field.find('input'), 'keyup', 9);  //tab out of field


field = find('.profile-field').eq(0);
fillIn(field.find('input'), 'a new response');
find('.profile-field').eq(1).focus();  //set focus to another field


field = find('.profile-field').eq(0);
fillIn(field.find('input'), 'a new response');
triggerEvent(field, "blur");

I have also tried using the click() helper on other elements on the page, but nothing seems to trigger the event.

Any suggestions on how to achieve this? Thanks

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On further exploration, I am seeing different behavior depending on how I run my tests. With testem in the console (ember test) the test runs successfully with Chrome but fails with PhantomJS. And if I run using the test url in the browser (localhost:4200/tests) then the behavior is inconsistent - it sometimes succeeds (i.e. the event is triggered) and sometimes not.

We have found this works reliably in WebKit, but fails reliably in PhantomJS.

Actually my third option above seems to work reliably for me now under PhantomJS after I realized I was incorrectly specifying the element in the initial code.

triggerEvent('<input element selector>', "blur");

i love you man, you save me

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