I have a model with a hasMany relationship defined. There’s a template that displays data from the model, and a component on the same template that is supposed to display data from the hasMany records from the defined relationship. The user gets to this template by clicking on a {{link-to}} helper that takes the model id as an argument.
I need to do pre-processing on the records in the hasMany relationship. IOW I cannot just rely on template code to display the records - the data must be manipulated in the component and then displayed.
The problem is that I am unable to access the data from the hasMany relationship in the component when the template loads. This seems to be due to delay in loading of those records. If I display raw data from the hasMany relationship using template code, the template is able to understand that the records live behind a promise, and it waits appropriately, then displays the records after they come across the wire.
How can I properly have the component perform the same wait as the template knows how to do? I’ve tried using the afterModel() hook in the route, using a then() in the component, etc. etc. and they have all failed.
Have you tried doing an Ember.computed() using your model? Here, my model called is alerts - even though alerts completes loading after the page loads, these computed methods will automatically re-evaulate when alerts completes loading.
In fact, I’ve frequently had to deal with repeating my code when working with hasMany situations, so I created a simple “mixin” to do the grunt work. The alerts member, above, is created using the mixin from the gist below like this:
export default Ember.Controller.extend(LiveDependantListMixinFactory({
selectAs: 'alerts', // add this member to our controller
from: 'alert', // from this ember-data model
where: 'user', // where alert.user ==
equals: 'feathers.user', // ... == feathers.user (feathers is an injected service)
sortBy: ['datetime'] // sort by alert.datetime
}), {
// the rest of the controller here
Side note: Any “expert” ember users out there who would like to chime in and correct me in ANYTHING I’ve said here, please feel free! I don’t claim to be right, I only claim that this works for me! Cheers!