I have a user Model and some action in the Controller, but I want to sort the result.
can some one help me out ???
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export default Controller.extend({
appName: ‘Ember Twiddle User’,
filteredItems: computed(
function() {
return this.model.filter((user) => {
return (!this.filterFirstName || user.firstName.includes(this.filterFirstName))
&& (!this.filterLastName || user.lastName.includes(this.filterLastName))
&& (!this.filterCity || user.city.includes(this.filterCity))
&& (!this.filterZipCode || user.zipCode.includes(this.filterZipCode))
&& (!this.filterFisatLevel || user.fisatLevel >= this.filterFisatLevel)
pagedItems: computed(‘filteredItems.’, function() {
return this.filteredItems.slice(0, 20); // number of users
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how to filter / sort by firstname or last name DESC / ASC ??