I didn't use Ember Data in my app, I just use localStorage to restore my data, but when I created a new record, the record list didn't show the newly added record. I have to refresh the whole page to see the new record. Any way to see the newly added record right after I created the record without refreshing the page?
controller code(part) :
var Notes = Em.Application.create({
var notes = getNotes();
Notes.Note = Em.Object.extend({
id : null,
name : 'empty',
save : function() {
var notes = getNotes();
id : this.get('id'),
name : this.get('name')
localStorage.setItem('notes', JSON.stringify(notes));
function getNotes() {
var notes = [];
var ls_notes = localStorage.getItem('notes');
if (ls_notes) {
notes = eval(ls_notes);
return notes;
function getNoteById(id) {
var note = {};
for (var i in notes) {
if (notes[i] && notes[i].id == id) {
note = notes[i];
return note;
Notes.Router.map(function() {
// put your routes here
this.resource('notes', {path : '/'}, function() {
this.route('note', {path : '/note/:note_id'});
Notes.NotesRoute = Em.Route.extend({
model : function() {
return getNotes();
Notes.NotesController = Em.ArrayController.extend({
newNoteName : null,
actions : {
createNewNote : function() {
var content = this.get('content');
var newNoteName = this.get('newNoteName');
var unique = newNoteName != null && newNoteName.length > 1;
content.forEach(function(note) {
if (newNoteName === note.name) {
unique = false;
if (unique) {
var newNote = Notes.Note.create({
id : newNoteName,
name : newNoteName
this.set('newNoteName', null);
} else {
alert('Note must have a unique name of at least 2 characters!');
clearAllNotes : function() {
template :
<script type="text/x-handlebars" id="notes">
<div id="notes" class="azureBlueBackground azureBlueBorderThin">
{{input valueBinding="newNoteName"}}
<button class="btn btn-default btn-xs" {{action "createNewNote"}}>
New Note
<button class="btn btn-default btn-xs" {{action "clearAllNotes"}}>
<div class="list-group" style="margin-top : 10px;">
{{#each controller}}
<div class="list-group-time">
{{#link-to "notes.note" this class="list-group-item"}}
No notes found :(