I’m wondering what the current best practice is for testing relationships using ember-qunit. Currently, given a model like:
App.FeedbackItem = DS.Model.extend({
message: DS.attr('string'),
children: DS.hasMany('feedback_item', {inverse:"parent", async: true}),
parent: DS.belongsTo('feedback_item', {inverse:"children"} ),
isRoot: Ember.computed.none('parent')
I’d like to test the functionality of the isRoot
computed property, and I’m doing so like this:
test('isRoot - child isRoot is false', function() {
var parent = this.subject({
id: 1,
message: 'World Explodes.'
var _store = this.store();
_store.push('feedback_item', { id: 2, message: 'child', parent: 1});
andThen( function(){
_store.find('feedback_item', 2).then(function(child){
var value = child.get('isRoot');
equal(value, false, "expected false but was " + value);
equal(parent.get('isRoot'), true, "expected true but was " + value);
You can try it out in a JSBIN here: http://jsbin.com/rajikike/2/edit (you may see an assertion being thrown on alternate runs, this appears to be bug with either ember-qunit
or App.reset()
My question is: how would you test that feature?