I have a list of products I am rendering as a component.
This is my template
{{#product-line-item product.lineItems}}
I am trying to pass a filtered array (product.lineItems) to a component so I can indicate the quantity for each product that is in the cart. What I am trying to do in the model seems incorrect.
Here is my attempt at creating an array on the product model for lineItems that belong to that product:
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model() {
return Ember.RSVP.hash({
products: this.store.findAll('product'),
productCategories: this.store.findAll('productCategory'),
lineItems: this.store.queryRecord('lineItem', { user_id: this.get('session.secure.user_id') })
}).then(function (model) {
product.lineItems = [];
model.lineItems.forEach(function(lineItem) {
if (lineItem.productId === product.id) {
return model
Firstly, each product ends up having an empty lineItems array.
Secondly this doesn’t feel right. Am I barking up the wrong tree?