I can’t figure out how to make this work… There are the backend entities ‘events’ and ‘displays’ which are defined as many to many (belongs to many in laravel Eloquent: Relationships - Laravel - The PHP Framework For Web Artisans) relations - means tables ‘event’, ‘displays’ and ‘display_event’ are defined and the backend response is like this (excerpt):
"events" : [
"id" : 111
"title" : "some event title"
"displays" : [
"id" : 10,
"title": "display 1",
"pivot" : {
"event_id" : 111,
"display_id" : 10,
"show" : true
"id" : 12,
"title": "Massive Big Screen",
"pivot" : {
"event_id": 111,
"dislay_id" : 12,
"show" : false
"id" : 222
"title" : "some other event title"
"displays" : [
"id" : 10,
"title": "display 1",
"pivot" : {
"event_id" : 222,
"display_id" : 10,
"show" : false
"id" : 12,
"title": "Massive Big Screen",
"pivot" : {
"event_id": 222,
"dislay_id" : 12,
"show" : false
The models definitions for event, and display are as follows:
// models/event.js
export default DS.Model.extend({
title: DS.attr('string'),
displays: DS.hasMany('display', {async: false}),
// ...
// models/display.js
export default DS.Model.extend({
title: attr('string'),
events: DS.hasMany('event', {async: false})
What I tried is to define a model for the intermediate table (‘display_event’) like so:
// models/display-event-pivot.js
export default DS.Model.extend({
display: DS.belongsTo('display', {async: false}),
event: DS.belongsTo('event', {async: false}),
show: attr('boolean')
And give the properties ‘display_event_pivot’ to the event and display model as hasMany relation.
And because the pivot date does not contain an id attribute, I just normalized it like so:
// serializers/display-event-pivot.js
normalize: function (typeClass, hash, prop) {
// give a new computed id here, because i can't figure out, how
// to handle a belongsToMany relationship properly.
// The serializer::serialize() method is responsible to remove this id on save/update
hash.id = hash.display_id + '-' + hash.event_id;
return this._super(typeClass, hash, prop);
And now I’m kinda lost since when the relationships are extracted, it breaks because ‘display-event-pivot: hasMany’ for event and display expects obviously an array to work with but the pivot is just an object. Making it a belongsTo relation will not work because every event will have the same pivot values (which is wrong). To make it hopefully clear - the result is:
event{111}.displays{10}.display_event_pivot{10-111}.show --> true
event{111}.displays{12}.display_event_pivot{12-111}.show --> false
// these are expected to be false, false but are the same as the both above
event{222}.displays{10}.display_event_pivot{10-222}.show --> true
event{222}.displays{12}.display_event_pivot{12-222}.show --> false
Anyone who can give me some hint on how to solve this?