let referenced_thing =
let referenced_thingAsync =
First in your example referenced_thing and referenced_thing_async are both async. By default ember-data makes all relationships async.
When a relationship is async the value it offers is a proxy to the actual result. You would have to explicitly set { async: false } to remove the proxy involved. However, this assumes that you have side loaded ember-data with the real information in some way (perhaps via JSON:API includes).
The proxy offers the following properties and methods since it is an implementation of Ember’s PromiseProxyMixin:
Specifically if you plan on using the referenced thing in JavaScript land you might do this–
// Modern Ember
let referenced_thing
= await this.get('modelWithReferences.referenced_thing');
// ember-concurrency
let referenced_thing
= yield this.get('modelWithReferences.referenced_thing');
// Older Vanilla Ember
.then(referenced_thing => {
// referenced_thing is available in here
In templates you can use the derived state–
{{#let modelWithReferences.referenced_thing as |thing|}}
{{#if thing.isPending}}
Loading thing…
{{else if thing.isRejected}}
Error: {{thing.reason}}