How to make URL stay alive after refresh

I have this code:

this.resource('vervacante', function () { 
  this.resource('vervacante', { path: "/:title" });	

App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
  model: function() {
    return Ember.$.getJSON("vacantes.json");

    [ {
    "title": "first" ...
    "title" "second" ...
    } ]

App.VervacanteRoute = App.IndexRoute.extend({
  model: function(params) {

Linking and showing the model works fine, and I get the param of the URL after a refresh, but without the model.

My url is like ‘index.html/vervacante/title’.

I have read ‘defining your routes’, but seems to be for Ember Data.

I am stuck at this point, can someone help me?