A component with positionalParams
always also has named versions of its parameters. For example, the liquid-if
component from liquid-fire has this in its Javascript file:
positionalParams: ['predicate']
That means it accepts one positional parameter, which will be named predicate
. So these are equivalent:
{{#liquid-if isActive}}
<LiquidIf @predicate={{isActive}} >
There is a second way to use positionalParams
, which is to gather a variable number of them into an array. That is how link-to works:
// notice that the right-hand value here is a single
// name, not an array like in the previous example
positionalParams: 'params'
So we can pass the @params=
, but unfortunately the value we pass needs to be an array, so you may want something like ember-array-helper:
{{link-to "posts" 1}}
<LinkTo @params={{array "posts" 1}} />