I need help to do inline validations on ember forms

I wish to use an add-on to do validations on my ember form which lies in a component .

I tried to use ember-cp-validation add-on I followed the instructions provided by their git. In that i couldn’t find any changes to handlebar. And it didn’t worked for me. Please help me

In my pet-project I used ember-cp-validations that you mentioned. Here is working example from my code:

Lasts two files I got from add-on examples. Hope it helps.

in hbs files you are using the handlebar “validated-input”, is it from cp-validations???

I take it from ember-cp-validations/tests/dummy/app at 7433fdb2ce7d22f956ca97a9b3291fe9c6637446 · adopted-ember-addons/ember-cp-validations · GitHub. You can write your own similar component with desired logic. It used just to show validation success/error on each input.

As I mentioned I have my form in a component.

Please excuse am new to ember.

could you plzz tell me what all steps i need to follow.

do i need to create another component for validate-input.

can i simply copy and paste this code to my application

this is my hbs file

Name {{validated-input type=text value=demo.name maxlength=20 class="form-control" valuePath="name" id="exampleInputEmail3" placeholder="Enter the name " required=true}} {{#if hasError}} Такой пользователь уже существует {{/if}}
Email {{input type=email data-fv-emailaddress-message="The value is not a valid email address" value=demo.email class="form-control" id="exampleInput58" placeholder="email id" required=true}}

why it is used model=this in signup-window.hbs {{validated-input type=“text” model=this placeholder=“Отображаемое имя…” valuePath=“displayName”}}