i am creating an Image Gallery consuming the Flickr API to retrieve my photos. I have found the need to use 2 plugins for it: “Masonry” and “ImagesLoaded”
This is basically an example of i want to do.
My steps in my ember-cli app ( i am using ember 1.13.11)
Install the plugins by bower
Imported in my brocfile.js
Create a component with the jQuery logic
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Component.extend({
didInsertElement : function(){
Ember.run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', this, this.afterRenderEvent);
afterRenderEvent : function(){
var $grid = this.$('.grid').masonry({
itemSelector: '.grid-item',
percentPosition: true,
columnWidth: '.grid-sizer'
// layout Isotope after each image loads
$grid.imagesLoaded().progress( function() {
in my component template the div with grid class:
<div class='grid'>
In my Route i have
This is the console log error
Why masonry is not initiated ? What might be the error?