Is there a reason we can not have nested routes?

I’m having the same issue here, and I’d love to get some guidance. I have a gist with information here. There are some additional attempts in the comments.

The linkTo helper works when I linkTo the specified route:

{{#linkTo "interactions"}}Interactions{{/linkTo}}

But the API endpoint still gets called as /interactions instead of /accounts/64/interactions/


I think you should write

this.resource(‘accounts.account’ to avoid namespace resetting {

this.resource('accounts',  { path: '/accounts' }, function(){
    this.resource('accounts.account', { path: ':account_id'}, function(){
        this.resource('interactions', { path: 'interactions'});


You could try Ember Inspector as it will provide you a clear picture of generated routes with their Urls

oh hey, look what just happened…