I have a page that currently uses three outlets. Two of them are named and one is the default.
One of the named outlets is used to display a dynamic menu that comes from the server and the other is used to create modals.
My application route looks like that:
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Route.extend({
renderTemplate: function() {
// Render default outlet
// render extra outlets
this.render("left-menu", {
outlet: "left-menu",
into: "application",
model: this.panel
actions: {
openModal: function(modalName, model) {
return this.render(modalName, {
into: 'application',
outlet: 'modal',
model: model
closeModal: function() {
return this.disconnectOutlet({
outlet: 'modal',
parentView: 'application'
My problem is that when openModal
get called and executes the model that “left-menu” outlet has gets wiped out and it shows nothing. Note that I want the menu on the left to always stay visible.
Could someone please help me understand why this happens and how to resolve it? Thanks in advance.