Neither model or setupController hooks called on page refresh in catchall route

I have a catch all route to catch any URLS which are not defined in my router. This works fine, but I want to set a model for my template. Neither the model or setupController hooks are being called on my route.

I though that model was called on a route on page refresh, but

this.route('notfound', { path: '*:' });

    App.NotFoundRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
    model: function() {
            alert('This was hit');
    beforeModel: function() {
         alert('This was hit');
    redirect: function() {
        alert('This was hit');
    actions: {
        error: function () {
            alert('This was hit');

None of the above are hit. I’m new to ember so I’m probably missing sdomething stupid. Thanks for any help.