This should hopefully make sense, if not I’ll bust it out to a jsfiddle.
Here’s my router:
@resource 'sources'
@resource 'source', path: '/sources/:source_id', ->
@route 'edit'
@resource 'items', path: 'items'
@resource 'item', path: 'items/:item_id'
I’m trying to render a list of sources in an outlet. The sources template is simple, does a foreach source in sources, linkto the source. The source template in turn links to the items view. I can post those if people want to see.
The behavior I get is weird: on first loading #/sources/2/items, I get the items associated with source_id 2. It’s very gratifying (especially since everything has been so smooth to this point).
If I go back a level, either by clicking browser-back, or by clicking the home button (generated via a linkto in the template) and then click on another source, say source 3, the resultant template displays the data for source 3 (source title), but the list of items is still source 2’s list of items. Manually going to #/sources/3/items in this case would also display source 3’s direct data, but the items for source 2. Refreshing the browser loads source 3’s items, and I can see on my rails server that I’m not getting the /api/items?ids=blablabla for source 3’s items until that point.
Here’s where I get the list of items on the controller, and I’m pretty sure this is where I’m going wrong.
Social.ItemsRoute = Social.AuthedRoute.extend({
needs: 'source',
model: function() {
return this.controllerFor('source').get('items');
Here are the relevant handlebars bits.
{{#each source in model}}
{{#linkTo 'source' source}}
{{source.description}} {{source.kind}} {{source.grain}} {{source.feed_url}} {{source.base_url}}
{{#linkTo 'items' model}}
{{description}} {{kind}} {{grain}} {{feed_url}} {{base_url}}
{{#each item in model}}
{{item.item_url}} {{item.kind}} {{item.grain}}